May 28, 2013

World's Largest Solar Power Plant Shams 1 in UAE goes on line

Repost from Livescience by Marc Lallanila | March 13, 2013

One of the world's largest PV power plant, Shams 1,  located in UAE goes on line.  The capacity of the PV plant is enough to power 20,000 homes and remove 175,000 tons of CO2 a year, or remove 35,000 cars off the road.   There will be another planned l00 mW in KSA by the end of the year known as Noor l.   Saudi Arabia plans to have 100 per cent renewable energy by 2022;  Qatar's target is 1.8 gW by 2014.

UAE uses CSP technology (concentrated solar power.)   Mirrors focus suns rays to create steam which runs steam turbines.  The plant has 258,000 parabolic mirrors spread over an area of 1 square mile (2.5 square km)

Why would a country producing energy invest heavily in renewable energy?  So that it does not use its own output and sell more oil. 

Very practical and makes good economic sense

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