May 13, 2013

The biggest barrier to renewable energy is in the head - Francis Moore Lappe

Repost from Clean Technica | May 1, 2013

The barriers to going to RE is not due to costs or technology;  the real barrier is in the mind says Fancis Moore Lappe at 100% Pathways to Renewables conference held in San Francisco(call it mindset, paradigm or attitude)  Technology:  wind and solar are all available now, costs went down by 29.1% in 2012.

JG has said this in his speech before AdeMU graduates in 2004, that there are no trade barriers in ASEAN, only barriers in the mind

We fail to see beyond cultural filters and mental maps

However various areas have varying targets; some are more ambitious than others.

Mexico could be self sufficient with wind and solar power alone;  geothermals can take up minor load.   Fossil fuels need to be conserved;  nuclear power is dirty and bad for health.

Shift to RE has come from communities and local initiatives as in Lancaster California.  Or Greensburg Kansas where shift to RE has been made after the town was devastated by a tornado.  Or Germany where 40% of RE assets are owned by individuals

After initial investments, as in solar, there are no other logistics or maintenance problem as pipeline, deliveries, or safety issues

Where is PHL in terms of barriers to Renewable energy. Who and where are the barriers? Investments?

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