July 19, 2024

World's first dual tower CSP starts commissioning in China - the power of sun, mirror and salt

Savings from oil and coal importation

The power of sun mirror and salt.

What is CSP?  It is concentrated solar power.  It is reflecting sun rays via mirror to a tower which boils water into steam, (or a fluid sent on heat exchanger to turn into steam to run turbines)   The heat is stored in molten salt so that the whole works work at night.  Such an advantage because CSP works 24/7.  Clearly an advantage over:
    1.  Solar panel that works only 1/3 of the day;
    2.  Wind power that stops occasionally;
    3.   Hydro that works when rivers are dry.

There are two functioning CSP:  one in Morocco and one in Mojave desert in USA.

Most of them use single tower.  

But China uses twin tower for 24% efficiency.  The China tech uses concentric array of mirrors which follow the sun.  The mirrors reflect on twin towers:   so efficiency is apparent:   one set of mirror arrays servicing two towers.  

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