June 23, 2024

SMR (Small Modular Reactors) - a renewable energy source being overlooked?

Savings from oil and coal importation

One of the sources of energy being overlooked is nuclear energy.  It serves the purpose of lessening carbon emission, solves the intermittent nature of wind and solar energy.

But people are wary of dangers  the meltdown from nuclear power plants as seen at Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Mile Long Island.  But SMR can be an answer.  They are assembled in a factory transported in trucks and then installed on site  The problem of nuclear waste has been reduced. 

Other downsides are:    large capex for its production, long construction period, 

Many countries like France use a lot of nuclear energy.    Pres. BBM is pushing for the SMRs

Shall we learn to accept SMR

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